Machel Montano – Colours | 2020 Soca Release

Thank you Machel Montano – Colours have me loving Soca music again.
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I was about to take a rest from Soca music then I heard Machel Montano – Colours.
Title: Colours
Artist: Machel Montano
Written by: Shontelle Layne, Camille “Dae” Evelyn, Scott Galt, Machel Montano & Michael Hulsmeier
Produced by: De Red Boyz
Backing Vocals by: Shontelle Layne, Sean “Hey Choppi” Padmore, Scott Galt & Michael Hulsmeier
Mixed by: Anthony Lowhar @ Commercial Music Inc.
Mastered by: Alex Psaroudakis at “The Work Shop”
Published by: UMPG / Masuso Publishing c/o Warner Chappell Music Canada / Red Boyz International Music
Machel Montano recorded by: Sean “Hey Choppi” Padmore at Monk Studio, Los Angeles, USA
Backing vocals recorded by: De Red Boyz
Executive Producer: RBZ Records Inc. and Monk Music