Super Blue x Machel Montano 2019 Soca

“We Now Start to Party” Super Blue x Machel Montano | 2019 Soca
- We Now Start to Party Super Blue x machel Montano
Title: We Now Start to Party
Artist: Super Blue x Machel Montano
Album: Jouvert Power Riddim
Produced by: Machel Montano, Kubiyashi, Blackstarr Productions, Sani Music Studio Production & Studio 12 Production
Composers/Writers: Austin Lyons, Machel, Alex “Kubiyashi” Barnwell, James “Jamesy P” Morgan, Arnold Noel, Wendell Black & Reon “Juggernut” Labadie
Mixed & Mastered by: Keron “Scratch Master” Hector
Super Blue recorded by Blackstarr at Sani Music Studio, Trinidad & Tobago.
Machel recorded by Franklyn Grant & Alex “Kubiyashi” Barnwell at Rawlston Recording Studio, Brooklyn, NY, USA & Kasey Phillips at Monk Studio in Los Angeles, USA.